20 Book Challenge

20 Book Challenge

The 20 Book Challenge Rules and Guidelines


The goal of the 20 Book Challenge is to get students to leave their reading comfort zone and explore new reading genres.  We would love to see all students’ love of reading flourish, as well as for students to make significant academic gains in reading comprehension.  The best way to become a better reader is to read voraciously and the 20 Book Challenge helps with that.

We know 20 books sounds like a lot, but students will only have to average about 1 book every two weeks.  This can be accomplished by reading during independent reading time at school and by spending at least 30 minutes reading nightly at home.  They can always use holidays to move ahead or get caught up.  Students will have the opportunity to visit the school library before school, during lunch, and during their ELA class (at the teacher’s discretion).  The books students will choose to read for the “20 Book Challenge” will NOT include the books they will be reading for class novel studies.  That is a completely different assignment and cannot be counted toward the challenge.


Four Easy Steps to the 20 Book Challenge

  1. The student will choose a book genre from their “20 Book Challenge” chart kept in their homework/ELA binder and write the title of the book and author.
  2. The student will read during independent reading time in school or at home to reach the goal of 20 books or more!
  3. The student must then complete the online “Critic’s Corner” form for each book read. Click here for the “Critic’s Corner” form or visit the school website at www.thesccs.org .
  4. After completion of the “Critic’s Corner” form, students should then have the chosen book genre block (from the “20 Book Challenge” chart) initialed by their ELA teacher.

Additional Guidelines

  • Books must be at your grade level or higher. If you are not sure, ask your teacher.
  • Any book over 500 pages will count as 2 books.
  • 5 books due by October 2, 2024 (end of the 1st 9 Weeks).
  • 10 books due by December 20, 2024 (end of the 2nd 9 Weeks).
  • 15 books due by March 7, 2025 (end of the 3rd 9 Weeks).
  • 20 books due by May 14, 2025.
  • The grade that reads the most books by the end of the year will receive an end of the year reward.


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