Welcome to Slaughter Community Charter School (SCCS), home of the Knights. It is my joy to serve as your Director, and on behalf of the SCCS community, welcome! We invite you to learn about our past, visit us in the present, and become a part of our future.
SCCS was established following the dreams and goals of dedicated parents and community members who sought to provide a college preparatory curriculum for the Slaughter community. In the past ten years, SCCS has grown to offer rigorous academic curricula to assist students in the attainment of a TOPs High School Diploma. Our faculty is dedicated to providing high quality instruction, with opportunities for Advanced Placement coursework, dual enrollment, and honors courses. We are committed to guiding our students to reach their highest potential by preparing them to become self-directed, life-long learners.
In addition to our academic program, we have a variety of extracurricular activities and are proud members of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. Current sport offerings include: football, cheer, cross country, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, and track and field.
We are proud of our school and the opportunities it gives our students, and hope you share in our “Knight” pride. I am happy to share additional information with you, please contact me at (225)570-8683 or [email protected].
Respectfully yours,
Stephanie Goudeau, PhD.