Middle School (7 & 8 Grade)

Welcome to the next level of your journey! 

Middle School is a new and exciting experience for your student.  

SCCS is focused on a smooth transition from elementary to high school. 



What students and parents can expect . . .


Dress Code: Handbook page 22

Most commonly violated policies:

*Red or grey sweatshirt with the official logo is the only acceptable sweatshirt.

*All shirts must be tucked in properly so that the belt is entirely visible.

*Jacket Policy – Any solid color with a logo that is no larger than 3”x5”.

  • Hoodies are not permitted on campus unless they are a school approved SCCS hoodie created by a club or sport team.
  • Belts must be worn at all times.
  • Student IDs must be worn around the neck or attached to students clothing at the chest at all times.  
  • IDs must be worn daily.  If a student forget their ID at home, a temporary ID must be purchased from the office for $1.  Replacement IDs are $5 and can be purchased in the library.

Attendance Requirements: Handbook page 8

*Students must arrive at school no earlier than 7:20 a.m. and no later than 7:45 a.m. Students arriving after 7:45 a.m. must be brought to the office and signed in by a parent or guardian to receive an admit slip to class.

*To pass, students may have no more than 8 unexcused absences.

*Only excuses documented by an official doctor’s note or court appearance are excused.

*Absences are calculated on a class by class basis.

*After 8 unexcused absences, the District Attorney’s Early Intervention Program will become involved and judicial proceeding will be initiated.

*You have 7 days to turn in doctor’s excuses.

**Please see the handbook for detailed information on the attendance policy.**


Discipline Policy: Handbook page 12

*Each teacher has a classroom discipline plan that he/she will send home at the beginning of the year.

*Teachers will contact parents regarding classroom behavior issues. Once parents have been contacted and the behavior issues continue, the student will be referred to the discipline office through the discipline referral process.

*Academic dishonesty (cheating, copying assignments) is taken very seriously and will result in a suspension.


Cell phones: Handbook page 19

*Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed because they disrupt instruction.

*If a cell phone or electronic device is brought to campus, it must be turned in as soon as the student enters the campus.

*Any student who fails to turn in his/her cell phone before going to class will be subject to the disciplinary actions listed in the handbook.

  • 1st Offense: Confiscation of device and parents will be required to pay a $50.00 fine to retrieve the device.
  • 2nd Offense: Confiscation and $100 fine.
  • 3rd Offense: Device held until the end of the school year; $100 fine

How is my student doing in class? How do I check grades?

*You may monitor your students progress through the OnCourse Connect Parent Portal.


Report Cards/Progress Reports:

*Report cards and progress reports are sent home with the student.

*The dates that they are sent home will be posted on the school website and social media.


Lunch and lunch payment options:

*Students may pay lunch fees in the cafeteria or online.

*All students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch for the 2024/2025 school year.

*Meal Prices:

Breakfast: full pay $1.50, reduced $.40       Lunch: full pay $2.80, reduced $.50


PE Uniforms:

*PE uniforms are $20 and will be available for purchase through the PE Department.

*Tights, leggings, spandex, cut off shirts, and tank tops are not allowed.

*During cold months students may wear solid black or gray pants. They must follow the school sweatshirt policy (hoodies are not allowed).

**Students who do not dress out will still be required to participate.**


School Nurse:

*To see the school nurse, completed medical forms must be turned in. These forms will be sent home on the first day of school.

*Any medication administered at school must be kept in the nurse’s office with paper work signed by a doctor.


Class Change/Restroom Policy:

*Students are allowed to use the restroom before school and during class change, lunch and PE.

*Students are given a bathroom pass for each of the four nine-week periods. They are allowed to use this pass if they need to use the restroom during class.



*Homework assignments are written on the board in each classroom.

*It is the student’s responsibility to write down homework assignments daily.

*Teacher webpages can be found under staff section of the school webpage.  

*Students should never say, “I don’t have any homework.” If no written work has been assigned for homework, students should spend at least 10 minutes reviewing and studying the materials covered in class that day.


Field Trip Participation Requirements:

*No excessive unexcused absences.

*No excessively missed homework assignments.

*No suspensions or after school detentions



Candy, Gum, Junk food:

*These items have no place on school campus.

*Book sacks are not for stockpiling junk food and candy to bring to school. Please check your student’s book sack regularly.

*No Gum! We do not want our new campus sidewalks and furniture to be ruined with gum.


**Please talk to your student about the importance of respecting and 

appreciating our new school.**


Communicating with teachers and getting school info:

*Email - The easiest way to be in contact with teachers is through email.

*Phone call - You may call the school office and leave a message for teachers. He/She will return your call as soon as possible.

*SchoolMessenger.com - You can sign up to receive announcements from teachers via text message or email through the SchoolMessenger app. Teachers will send home sign-up instructions on the first day of school.

*Parent/Teacher Conference – You may schedule a conference by calling the school office. Ms. Reno will schedule a conference for you with the appropriate teacher(s).

*School Webpage – www.thesccs.org

*School App - Download from the Apple store or Google Play to receive notifications.

*Facebook – SCCS and Slaughter Counselor pages can be accessed for information and updates.

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