Slaughter Community Charter School (known as SCCS) is a public charter school serving grades 7th - 12th in Slaughter, Louisiana that serves approximately 365 students to its diverse population. SCCS is one of 2 public high schools within East Feliciana Parish.
In 2023, SCCS achieved a school performance score of "A" and earned the Top Gains Honoree seal.
In past years SCCS has been recognized as a Louisiana Comeback Campus by the LDOE. Louisiana Comeback Campuses are schools that increased the percentage of students scoring mastery and above and decreased the percentage of students scoring unsatisfactory in both math and ELA on statewide assessments when compared to 2019. Statewide, 41 schools representing over 20 school systems earned this prestigious honor.
In addition, SCCS earned a Top Gains recognition for showing exceptional student growth in 2017 and was named TOP Gains Honoree for demonstrating excellence with significant student progress/growth above and beyond students' expected growth targets in 2018 and 2019.
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