
23 Track Schedule

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Track Tryout for Middle School (7-8) and High School Team (9-12)

December 5th @SCCS from 9:00 am-10:30 am (High School)

December 12th @SCCS form 9:00 am-10:30 am (Middle School)


Things to consider before trying out:

Daily practices including Mondays from 9:00 am-10:30 am. 3 unexcused missed practices will result in being removed from the team.

Also, there will be meets and practices on school holidays like Christmas Break, Mardi and Spring Break.

Transportation to and back from some if not all meets will be the player’s responsibility. We will take a bus sometime to meets for varsity. Middle School will meet up at the meets.

Middle School meets normally start the first Saturday in March and ends the last Saturday in March or the first Saturday in April. These are approximate dates.

Varsity indoor meets schedule Jan. 7, Jan. 21, Feb. 4 and State meet Feb. 18. This is only for a selected few. All meets will be held at LSU.

Varsity Outdoor meets start the first Friday in March and end with the state Meet in May. District: Top 4 places qualify for regionals, Regionals: Top 3 places qualify for State. Schedule will be made as meets become available.


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