


JUNIOR Club Sponsors: Mrs. Bankston       

SENIOR Club Sponsors: Mrs. Box & Mr. Cataldie

JR & SR Co Sponsor:  Mrs. Reno


Eligible students will be invited through school email. The scholastic requirement for membership is a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 with no grade of “C” or lower. For high school students returning to SCCS, the 4th 9 weeks grades of the last school year and the 1st 9 weeks grades for the new school year will be used to issue invitations for new members. Middle school students and NEW SCCS students, including 9th graders, will not be invited until 2nd semester.

Science National Honor Society 


Sponsor: Mr. Daniel Baker


Open to Juniors who have earned a 3.0 overall GPA and who have earned all A's and/or B's in all high school science courses.  Open to Seniors who are enrolled in Honors Physics during their senior year.   Eligible students will be notified in September and officers will be elected. 










 Sponsor: Ms. Miller

4-H meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:50 PM in Ms. Miller's room.  



Chess Club


Sponsor: Mr. Garcia

The Chess Club regularly meets Wednesday's after school each week for an hour to play chess and to prepare for tournaments.  Students who would like to learn how to play chess are more than welcome to come and join us.



Bible Club


Sponsor: Mr. Garcia

The Bible Club meets Wednesdays from 7:25-7:40 am to read the Scriptures together and to pray.

The Bible Club is also hosting a monthly See You at the Pole prayer time.  Students and staff are invited to join around the flagpole for prayer the first Friday of every month at 7:20 am.  





Sponsors: Michael Cataldie, Amy Delee, Teri Voss

General Information: We put on plays 

Purpose: To give students an opportunity to prepare and perform plays in front of live audiences

Activities: Perform plays twice yearly

Meeting dates and time: Wednesday from 3:50pm - 5pm. More practices added as needed when closer to date of production

Criteria to join: None

SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Club


Sponsor: Ms. Reno

The SADD Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month after school.  

Originally, the mission of the SADD chapter was to help young people say "No" to drinking and driving.  Today, the mission has expanded.  Students have told us that positive peer pressure, role modeling and environmental strategies can prevent other destructive decisions and set a healthier, safer course for their lives.  And that is why SADD has become a peer-to-peer education, prevention, and activism organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, particularly underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, teen violence, and teen suicide.  

SCCS SADD members work with the East Feliciana Drug & Alcohol Awareness Council to provide activities and outreach opportunities for students and our community. 

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