November 20, 2024
Dear Knights Family,
With a tremendous amount of pride and appreciation we report that for the second year in a row Slaughter Community Charter School is an “A” rated school. This is a terrific accomplishment, and there are many people to thank for contributing to our success. Thank you to our middle school students who embraced new curricula, writing into the day, and daily LEAP review to ensure academic achievement. To our current ninth grade students who demonstrated tremendous effort and boasted zero unsatisfactory scores on all the LEAP assessments. Thank you to our high schoolers who continuously show growth and master their personal goals on state assessments. To the Class of 2024, thank you for achieving our highest ACT scores (19.5 Average), strength of diploma, and graduation rate. And to our teachers, who remain devoted to planning and delivering high-quality instruction on a daily basis. We owe all our success to you.
Our School Performance Scores increased to a 95.3 A with significant gains in many of the score categories. Improvement areas are denoted with an asterisk*.
- Assessment Index (78.4 B)–Student performance on LEAP Assessments
- Progress Index (104.1 A)*–Individual student growth toward a score of “Mastery” on LEAP Assessments
- ACT/WorkKeys (82.5 B)*–Scales scores for 18+ on the ACT and Silver+ on the WorkKeys assessment
- Strength of Diploma (104 A)*– Assigns scores for students who graduate with a HS Diploma, and offers additional points for those who pass a CLEP Exam, AP Exam, or pass a Dual Enrollment Course
- Graduation Rate (110 A)*–Rate at which students graduate within four years of entering high school
- Dropout Credit Accumulation (145 A)*–Number of high school credits earned by the end of ninth grade
- Interests and Opportunities (123.5 A)*– Measures the availability of high school course offerings
To celebrate our success, all students and staff will have a special dessert social on Friday, November 22. Thank you, parents and guardians, for entrusting your children to us. We are proud of our school community and endeavor to press on toward continued growth and success for all our students. On behalf of the SCCS School Board and administration, congratulations Knights!
Gratefully yours,
SCCS Administration
Every day every knight will advance.